Friday, April 15, 2011

Guild Wars Build of the Week: Soul Mending

It's Build of the Week time! And this week I got something similar to last week, since I heard from some people they actually were really interested in using other classes to heal and protect. So this week I present to you: the healing necromancer ritualist!

Soul Mending

Skills from 1-8:
Attributes: Soul Reaping 12+1+1 & Restoration Magic 12

Template code: OAhiYwhMVzkAKNN5UVNMNOlcB
(Not sure how to use this? Click here!)

This build is all about keeping your energy high to cast heals a lot. Signet of Lost Souls is the main source of energy, and you should use it whenever you can. To start, use Protective Was Kaolai and keep it up. It gives you more armor and is also a heal when necessary. Also make make sure you always have Life up. Use Mend Body and Soul to heal and remove conditions, and use Spirit Light if you need a stronger heal.
Foul Feast is extra condition removal, but can be changed into something else in non condition heavy areas. A lot of Curses skills will do just fine, it all depends on where you are. Icy Veins is a damage skill, and is great to deal lots of damage to a group. If you prefer to take no damaging skills, change it with Weapon of Remedy for example, or any other Restoration elite that floats your boat. Finally, Death Pact Signet is your resurrect.

What's great about this build I think is how consistent it works. It almost never runs out of energy, so the heals keep coming. Heroes also use this build pretty good, and I like that since I'm not fit to be a healer. Also great is Ivy Veins. You don't need to bring it, but I love the fact that if you protection character is doing it's work good, you can dish out some damage instead of waiting to heal.

On the bad side though, I think not everyone will like to use a necro as a healer. It's not what you signed up for in character creation. Though I think everyone should try everything, it's so easy to play and experiment with new builds. To me that's what Guild Wars is all about, and also what I try to achieve with these articles.

Try it out, and if you like to comment or have a good improvement on the build, feel free to put it in the comment section below. Which is useable by everyone, no need to register or anything.

Also, If anyone has a great build you feel would be fun to cover here, feel free to contact me, you can find me here or on twitter and of course in Guild Wars.

Have fun and 'till next time!

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