Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Diary of Miss Elizabeth Dane: The Ring of Fire

The diary of Miss Elizabeth Dane is a view on Guild Wars through the eyes of a character. With the help of the heroes of her time, she embarks on adventure that makes her stronger and wiser.

Dear diary,

The world is in great peril as I write, a lot has happened since last time. Grand things are about to unfold, be it good or bad.

It started out when we regained control of Thunderhead Keep. Together with dwarven king Jalis Ironhammer we launched an assault to find that nobody less than Dagnar Stonepate, leader and founder of the Stone Summit dwarves, in control of the keep. We regained control, and brought an end to Dagnar.

But then it just started. Waves and waves of enemies attacked the keep, and we had no choice but to defend. First came Stone Summit and enslaved frost giants, but soon the White Mantle and Mursaat were at our doorstep. It was as if they had unlimited troops, with endless amounts of enemies attacking us. Until Confessor Dorian appeared. He is one of the founding members of the White Mantle, and his appearance in battle told us they ran out of troops. It was their final charge. And a final one, it was.

Vizier Khilbron took us to a portal to get us to the Ring of Fire island. There should be something called the Door of Komalie, holding the secret to defeating the Mursaat within. Brechnar Ironhammer, brother of king Jalis, joined us to the island to help even though it is considered a suicide mission.

First thing we did there was establish a foothold. With the help of Edgaar Ironcrotch, a master ranger, we pushed forward on the island. We attacked a citadel guardhouse of the Mursaat and gained control of it. Unfortunately, Brechnar had to create a diversion for us to succeed. And as strong as he was, the Mursaat were to powerful. But we will get revenge, he has not given his life in vain!

We pushed on to the Onyx Gate. After that lies Abaddon's Mouth. At this point, I really started doubting what we were doing. Abaddon was one of the six gods, and he started a war against the other gods. He lost and got imprisoned. But any place using his name is not good. And I soon found out why they gave it this name. We got to Abaddon's Mouth and opened the Door of Komalie. And Titans came through! Titans are servants of Abaddon, and are extremly powerful creatures. And if this wasn't enough, Vizier Khilbron let the curtain fall and showed his true identity. An undead lich. The spell to drive away the Charr in Orr didn't kill everyone there, it turned them undead, with the caster as the leader.

It turns out that I'm not part of the Flameseeker Prophecies, as the lich is the Flameseeker. He is using the Scepter of Orr to control the Titans, and wants to take over Tyria entirely! The only way to stop this is if we fight him and his Titans.

Prophecy or not, we will defeat him!

 Elizabeth Dane is currently at Hell's Precipice, preparing her assault on the undead lich! Find her in-game and you can help her out.

Until next time!

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