Unfortunately there will be no build of the week this time, because of the simple reason I'm out of interesting build. I also don't want to go and fetch builds from pvx or elsewhere, because most build there are performance based. Here, I like to post builds that are generally interesting and fun.
In any case, I will continue to search for fun build and make my own. And I should be able to get something ready next week.
Also, if you have a fun build you think would fit here, you can always contact me here in the comment section or via email.
Sorry for the lack of a good build, until next time!
Friday, April 29, 2011
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
The Diary of Miss Elizabeth Dane: The Flameseeker Prophecies
The diary of Miss Elizabeth Dane is a view on Guild Wars through the eyes of a character. With the help of the heroes of her time, she embarks on adventure that makes her stronger and wiser.
Dear diary,
Tyria is in danger no more, at least for now. We went and defeated the Undead Lich and his army of Titans. With him being gone, we had time to get our well deserved rest and sleep, as wel as some rewards.
The fine craftsmen of the Deldrimor dwarves offered me to craft a weapon of choice, with only the best of materials used while crafting. I already wield a powerful Staff of the Forgotten, a rare piece from Elona, gifted to my by a dear friend. So I went ahead and had me crafted a rather fine scythe. I've been interested in wielding a scythe, and this might just be the push I need. However, I realise now, nobody in Tyria is teaching the art of wielding a scythe. So a trip to Elona will be inevitable if I am to wield it properly. Until then, it's still a beauty to have.
Of course, Tyria still has it's fair share of problems. Mursaat are still around, though being reduced in numbers greatly. The White Mantle is still in control in Kryta, and things might just get messy. Ascalon still has the Charr knocking on their door, and the defence is getting weaker by the seconds. At times like these, I do wonder what Tyria will look like in the future. Will these conflicts be a major change in history, or just one line in the books? Whatever happens, I hope it just isn't going to get worse than Titans all over the place.
I do hear some rumors about Mhenlo going to Cantha to help out. I might just join him, I have yet to see Cantha and it's culture.
Next time, her adventure will continue at the Eye of the North instead of Cantha. This is to get the Tyrian storyline entirely.
Until next time!
Friday, April 22, 2011
Guild Wars Build of the Week: Grenth's Vampire
Build of the Week time! This week is one for the Dervish amongst us, and it's all about leeching life.

Template code: OgGjwqprqSXg7gNXibjbdfwXCA
(Not sure how to use this? Click here!)
This build leeches life, and doing that is mainly with Avatar of Grenth and Grenth's Aura. Dealing the damage is done with Zealous Sweep, Whirlwind Attack and Eremite's Attack. Zealous Sweep is also energy management and adrenaline management. Whirlwind Attack and Eremite's Attack work great together, use Whirlwind Attack first, follow up with Eremite's Attack and Whirlwind Attack should be good to go again. Heart of Fury increases attack speed, and Zealous Renewel is the enchantment to fuel Eremite's Attack. Zealous Renewel can be swithed with any flash enchantment, depending on what enemies you're facing.
And finally, Resurrection Signet is for emergency resurrection.
What I think is great here is the fact that the life stealing works in 2 ways. 1st of all, it keeps you alive, and in return also removes the need to have a healer on you all the time. 2nd part about it is that it ignores armor and some protection enchantments. This build also works best if you attack enemies close to each other.
With all good comes a bad, and here it's ofcourse that you are depending on your enchantments. Removing Grenth's Aura cuts your damage significant. And most attack skills are not that good when fighting 1 on 1.
Overal, I love this build, just because somewhere it makes me feel like my character is suddenly a vampire/reaper type, and that's just cool to play with. Other than that, I feel this build is a good 'save bet' build when you are in a group of random people, because of it's survivability as a melee fighter.
Try it out, and don't be afraid to comment if you like it or have a variant/improvement.
Until next time!
Grenth's Vampire

Skills from 1-8:
- Zealous Sweep
- Whirlwind Attack
- Eremite's Attack
- Heart of Fury
- Zealous Renewal
- Grenth's Aura
- Avatar of Grenth
- Resurrection Signet
Template code: OgGjwqprqSXg7gNXibjbdfwXCA
(Not sure how to use this? Click here!)
This build leeches life, and doing that is mainly with Avatar of Grenth and Grenth's Aura. Dealing the damage is done with Zealous Sweep, Whirlwind Attack and Eremite's Attack. Zealous Sweep is also energy management and adrenaline management. Whirlwind Attack and Eremite's Attack work great together, use Whirlwind Attack first, follow up with Eremite's Attack and Whirlwind Attack should be good to go again. Heart of Fury increases attack speed, and Zealous Renewel is the enchantment to fuel Eremite's Attack. Zealous Renewel can be swithed with any flash enchantment, depending on what enemies you're facing.
And finally, Resurrection Signet is for emergency resurrection.
What I think is great here is the fact that the life stealing works in 2 ways. 1st of all, it keeps you alive, and in return also removes the need to have a healer on you all the time. 2nd part about it is that it ignores armor and some protection enchantments. This build also works best if you attack enemies close to each other.
With all good comes a bad, and here it's ofcourse that you are depending on your enchantments. Removing Grenth's Aura cuts your damage significant. And most attack skills are not that good when fighting 1 on 1.
Overal, I love this build, just because somewhere it makes me feel like my character is suddenly a vampire/reaper type, and that's just cool to play with. Other than that, I feel this build is a good 'save bet' build when you are in a group of random people, because of it's survivability as a melee fighter.
Try it out, and don't be afraid to comment if you like it or have a variant/improvement.
Until next time!
Monday, April 18, 2011
Charr week has commenced!
The Charr week has officially begon, and I am very excited to see what Arenanet has in store for us!
According to Nowgamer we got a lot more coming to us than extra lore info, though lore is always fine with me. We are looking at a Charr race trailer, more info about microtransactions, lots of interviews and an exclusive reveal with image content to back it up.
Of course, the exclusive reveal is the attention grabber here, but I am really curious about the other info as well. A new trailer is always great, because there is usually a lot of hidden info in them. And I tend to search for it, ending up watching the trailer 20 times. Microtransaction info is very welcome to me, having to much bad experience in other games with item shops makes me wonder if Arenanet are taking a good direction with it. Judging from the Guild Wars item shop though makes me sure it won't be game breaking.
But this is only the info Nowgamer is getting!
As this week continues, the official Guild Wars 2 website and Arenanet blog are bound to share a lot of info. I will try to cover most things here, unless I don't have anything useful to add.
An exciting week is ahead, so keep your eyes open for new info!
According to Nowgamer we got a lot more coming to us than extra lore info, though lore is always fine with me. We are looking at a Charr race trailer, more info about microtransactions, lots of interviews and an exclusive reveal with image content to back it up.
Of course, the exclusive reveal is the attention grabber here, but I am really curious about the other info as well. A new trailer is always great, because there is usually a lot of hidden info in them. And I tend to search for it, ending up watching the trailer 20 times. Microtransaction info is very welcome to me, having to much bad experience in other games with item shops makes me wonder if Arenanet are taking a good direction with it. Judging from the Guild Wars item shop though makes me sure it won't be game breaking.
But this is only the info Nowgamer is getting!
As this week continues, the official Guild Wars 2 website and Arenanet blog are bound to share a lot of info. I will try to cover most things here, unless I don't have anything useful to add.
An exciting week is ahead, so keep your eyes open for new info!
Friday, April 15, 2011
Guild Wars Build of the Week: Soul Mending
It's Build of the Week time! And this week I got something similar to last week, since I heard from some people they actually were really interested in using other classes to heal and protect. So this week I present to you: the healing necromancer ritualist!
Skills from 1-8:
Template code: OAhiYwhMVzkAKNN5UVNMNOlcB
(Not sure how to use this? Click here!)
This build is all about keeping your energy high to cast heals a lot. Signet of Lost Souls is the main source of energy, and you should use it whenever you can. To start, use Protective Was Kaolai and keep it up. It gives you more armor and is also a heal when necessary. Also make make sure you always have Life up. Use Mend Body and Soul to heal and remove conditions, and use Spirit Light if you need a stronger heal.
Foul Feast is extra condition removal, but can be changed into something else in non condition heavy areas. A lot of Curses skills will do just fine, it all depends on where you are. Icy Veins is a damage skill, and is great to deal lots of damage to a group. If you prefer to take no damaging skills, change it with Weapon of Remedy for example, or any other Restoration elite that floats your boat. Finally, Death Pact Signet is your resurrect.
What's great about this build I think is how consistent it works. It almost never runs out of energy, so the heals keep coming. Heroes also use this build pretty good, and I like that since I'm not fit to be a healer. Also great is Ivy Veins. You don't need to bring it, but I love the fact that if you protection character is doing it's work good, you can dish out some damage instead of waiting to heal.
On the bad side though, I think not everyone will like to use a necro as a healer. It's not what you signed up for in character creation. Though I think everyone should try everything, it's so easy to play and experiment with new builds. To me that's what Guild Wars is all about, and also what I try to achieve with these articles.
Try it out, and if you like to comment or have a good improvement on the build, feel free to put it in the comment section below. Which is useable by everyone, no need to register or anything.
Also, If anyone has a great build you feel would be fun to cover here, feel free to contact me, you can find me here or on twitter and of course in Guild Wars.
Have fun and 'till next time!
Soul Mending
Skills from 1-8:
- Icy Veins
- Foul Feast
- Mend Body and Soul
- Spirit Light
- Signet of Lost Souls
- Protective Was Kaolai
- Life
- Death Pact Signet
Template code: OAhiYwhMVzkAKNN5UVNMNOlcB
(Not sure how to use this? Click here!)
This build is all about keeping your energy high to cast heals a lot. Signet of Lost Souls is the main source of energy, and you should use it whenever you can. To start, use Protective Was Kaolai and keep it up. It gives you more armor and is also a heal when necessary. Also make make sure you always have Life up. Use Mend Body and Soul to heal and remove conditions, and use Spirit Light if you need a stronger heal.
Foul Feast is extra condition removal, but can be changed into something else in non condition heavy areas. A lot of Curses skills will do just fine, it all depends on where you are. Icy Veins is a damage skill, and is great to deal lots of damage to a group. If you prefer to take no damaging skills, change it with Weapon of Remedy for example, or any other Restoration elite that floats your boat. Finally, Death Pact Signet is your resurrect.
What's great about this build I think is how consistent it works. It almost never runs out of energy, so the heals keep coming. Heroes also use this build pretty good, and I like that since I'm not fit to be a healer. Also great is Ivy Veins. You don't need to bring it, but I love the fact that if you protection character is doing it's work good, you can dish out some damage instead of waiting to heal.
On the bad side though, I think not everyone will like to use a necro as a healer. It's not what you signed up for in character creation. Though I think everyone should try everything, it's so easy to play and experiment with new builds. To me that's what Guild Wars is all about, and also what I try to achieve with these articles.
Try it out, and if you like to comment or have a good improvement on the build, feel free to put it in the comment section below. Which is useable by everyone, no need to register or anything.
Also, If anyone has a great build you feel would be fun to cover here, feel free to contact me, you can find me here or on twitter and of course in Guild Wars.
Have fun and 'till next time!
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
The Diary of Miss Elizabeth Dane: The Ring of Fire
The diary of Miss Elizabeth Dane is a view on Guild Wars through the eyes of a character. With the help of the heroes of her time, she embarks on adventure that makes her stronger and wiser.
Dear diary,
The world is in great peril as I write, a lot has happened since last time. Grand things are about to unfold, be it good or bad.
It started out when we regained control of Thunderhead Keep. Together with dwarven king Jalis Ironhammer we launched an assault to find that nobody less than Dagnar Stonepate, leader and founder of the Stone Summit dwarves, in control of the keep. We regained control, and brought an end to Dagnar.
But then it just started. Waves and waves of enemies attacked the keep, and we had no choice but to defend. First came Stone Summit and enslaved frost giants, but soon the White Mantle and Mursaat were at our doorstep. It was as if they had unlimited troops, with endless amounts of enemies attacking us. Until Confessor Dorian appeared. He is one of the founding members of the White Mantle, and his appearance in battle told us they ran out of troops. It was their final charge. And a final one, it was.
Vizier Khilbron took us to a portal to get us to the Ring of Fire island. There should be something called the Door of Komalie, holding the secret to defeating the Mursaat within. Brechnar Ironhammer, brother of king Jalis, joined us to the island to help even though it is considered a suicide mission.
First thing we did there was establish a foothold. With the help of Edgaar Ironcrotch, a master ranger, we pushed forward on the island. We attacked a citadel guardhouse of the Mursaat and gained control of it. Unfortunately, Brechnar had to create a diversion for us to succeed. And as strong as he was, the Mursaat were to powerful. But we will get revenge, he has not given his life in vain!
We pushed on to the Onyx Gate. After that lies Abaddon's Mouth. At this point, I really started doubting what we were doing. Abaddon was one of the six gods, and he started a war against the other gods. He lost and got imprisoned. But any place using his name is not good. And I soon found out why they gave it this name. We got to Abaddon's Mouth and opened the Door of Komalie. And Titans came through! Titans are servants of Abaddon, and are extremly powerful creatures. And if this wasn't enough, Vizier Khilbron let the curtain fall and showed his true identity. An undead lich. The spell to drive away the Charr in Orr didn't kill everyone there, it turned them undead, with the caster as the leader.
It turns out that I'm not part of the Flameseeker Prophecies, as the lich is the Flameseeker. He is using the Scepter of Orr to control the Titans, and wants to take over Tyria entirely! The only way to stop this is if we fight him and his Titans.
Prophecy or not, we will defeat him!
Elizabeth Dane is currently at Hell's Precipice, preparing her assault on the undead lich! Find her in-game and you can help her out.
Until next time!
Friday, April 8, 2011
Guild Wars Build of the Week: Renewing Protection
Friday, Build of the Week time!
This week it's a classic one with the Elementalist Protection build, for all of you who need protection without needing the monk.
Renewing Protection
Skills from 1-8:
Template code: OgNDwcPPP1CaRAZlUPqb31NC
(Not sure how to use this? Click here!)
This build is very easy to understand. Using Ether Renewal and Aura of Restoration, you can spam protection enchantments on the whole party as needed. And as a bonus, Dwayna's Kiss will heal significantly is someone is well enchanted, even with healing prayers on 3. This is really all there is to it!
To customise this build, there isn't really much specific to change. It depends on the area you are playing, adapting you protection to the dangers you're going to face. Let your imagination go loose!
It does work best on a hero in my opinion, but I might just be a bad protection player.
The main advantages of this build is it can use more protection than his monk counterpart, and it takes good care of it's own health with Ether Renewal and Aura of Restoration. On the negative side, you don't have a Divine Favor healing like a monk, and you're using your elite skill slot for a non-protection skill.
I find myself using this build often on newer characters, with only 1 monk hero unlocked (quickly going to EotN to get Ogden, Vekk and Gwen with a Prophecies or Factions character).
So far for this week's Build of the Week. If you have any suggestions or inprovements, feel free to share in the comment section!
Until next time!
This week it's a classic one with the Elementalist Protection build, for all of you who need protection without needing the monk.
Renewing Protection
Skills from 1-8:
- Ether Renewal
- Aura of Restoration
- Aegis
- Shielding Hands
- Protective Spirit
- Shield Guardian
- Shield of Absorption
- Dwayna's Spirit
Template code: OgNDwcPPP1CaRAZlUPqb31NC
(Not sure how to use this? Click here!)
This build is very easy to understand. Using Ether Renewal and Aura of Restoration, you can spam protection enchantments on the whole party as needed. And as a bonus, Dwayna's Kiss will heal significantly is someone is well enchanted, even with healing prayers on 3. This is really all there is to it!
To customise this build, there isn't really much specific to change. It depends on the area you are playing, adapting you protection to the dangers you're going to face. Let your imagination go loose!
It does work best on a hero in my opinion, but I might just be a bad protection player.
The main advantages of this build is it can use more protection than his monk counterpart, and it takes good care of it's own health with Ether Renewal and Aura of Restoration. On the negative side, you don't have a Divine Favor healing like a monk, and you're using your elite skill slot for a non-protection skill.
I find myself using this build often on newer characters, with only 1 monk hero unlocked (quickly going to EotN to get Ogden, Vekk and Gwen with a Prophecies or Factions character).
So far for this week's Build of the Week. If you have any suggestions or inprovements, feel free to share in the comment section!
Until next time!
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
The Diary of Miss Elizabeth Dane: Shivering in the Peaks
The diary of Miss Elizabeth Dane is a view on Guild Wars through the eyes of a character. With the help of the heroes of her time, she embarks on adventure that makes her stronger and wiser.
Dear diary,
Things are getting tough here in the Shiverpeaks. It all started with our attempt to save our friends from the Shining Blade, Evennia and Saidra, from the White Mantle and their Mursaat.
We heard they were being held capture in the Ice Caves of Sorrow. Avoiding the Mursaat, we got to their cell and got them out. Unfortunately they spotted us, and what happend then leaves us in pain even today. Saidra sacrificed herself, holding them off so we could escape. Her death will not be in vain, mark my words!
We could escape with the help of the Deldrimor dwarfs, who had a boat waiting for us.
We went to the Iron Mines of Moladune, where the traitor Markis was heading. From there we made a small detour, heading towards the Granite Citadel. A dwarven armorer named Hagen lives there, and he is known for his exclusive armors. They cost much, but I needed the armor upgrade, so I did it in style! Picture time!
Back at the Iron Mines of Moladune, we got sight of Markis. We followed him, but realised there a more Mursaat there. So we took a longer route, avoiding them, and meeting up with a creature who is called a "Seer".
The Seer are an ancient race who used to be at war with the Mursaat. Although they found a way to defend against their agonizing touch, they didn't defeat the Mursaat. Their race got reduced over time and people who do find one these days have no idea who or what they are.
This ancient Seer offered his help by getting our armor infused. This means our armor resists the Mursaat's agonizing touch by infusing it with the spectral essence of the Eidolon, a creature who has a natural resistance for the Mursaat's skill.
We continued on to Markis, defeating the Mursaat on our way. The difference in our power has disapeared. Even though protected by the Mursaat and their Jade constructs, we defeated Markis and got revenge for Saidra.
Sadly, while we were fighting Markis, the Deldrimor dwarfs lost Thunderhead Keep, their fortresslike capital city, to the Stone Summit dwarfs. The Stone Summit are a group of xenophobic dwarfs, hating other races and even dwarfs that have a friendly relation with other races.This is where we are now, ready to attack Thunderhead Keep and regain control for the Deldrimor who helped us a lot so far. Let's hope we can pull this off.
See you next time!
If you like to meet up and help, you can always find Elizabeth in-game!
Monday, April 4, 2011
In the whole Guild Wars history, this has to be the best april fools joke yet. With the hypemeter going through the roof for Guild Wars 2 and it's 2 remaining unknown professions, the Commando was the perfect answer for april fools this year.
First of all, thumbs up for Arenanet for putting this much effort in it. Just shows how dedicated they are when it comes to the community. I really didn't expect the skills video's on the profession page, and they are awesome. This one in particular made me laugh out loud seriously:
When I found out there was a Commando waiting for me at Embark Beach, I was online in a blink of an eye, not expecting a new quest putting you in the schoes of a Commando. I love these kind of missions, playing as Keiran Thackeray in Hearts of the North was amazingly fun, and same goes for this mission.
You end up in Ascalon, 10 years before the guild wars, on your way to save Gwen's mother. And you get real Commando skills! And they are pretty cool, you get to throw grenades and using mine's etc. It also only takes like 2 battles to figure out how to be near invincable, until you meet the golem at the end. He isn't hard, but it certainly is not a walk in the park. When you beat him, you saved Gwen! Nice!
All this made me wonder how april 1st will look like in Guild Wars 2. Will we get the Commando class for one day? Or will we get something even more awesome?
Whatever it will be, I'm sure we'll have a good time, since we'll be playing Guild Wars 2 then. :)
Until next time!
First of all, thumbs up for Arenanet for putting this much effort in it. Just shows how dedicated they are when it comes to the community. I really didn't expect the skills video's on the profession page, and they are awesome. This one in particular made me laugh out loud seriously:
When I found out there was a Commando waiting for me at Embark Beach, I was online in a blink of an eye, not expecting a new quest putting you in the schoes of a Commando. I love these kind of missions, playing as Keiran Thackeray in Hearts of the North was amazingly fun, and same goes for this mission.
You end up in Ascalon, 10 years before the guild wars, on your way to save Gwen's mother. And you get real Commando skills! And they are pretty cool, you get to throw grenades and using mine's etc. It also only takes like 2 battles to figure out how to be near invincable, until you meet the golem at the end. He isn't hard, but it certainly is not a walk in the park. When you beat him, you saved Gwen! Nice!
All this made me wonder how april 1st will look like in Guild Wars 2. Will we get the Commando class for one day? Or will we get something even more awesome?
Whatever it will be, I'm sure we'll have a good time, since we'll be playing Guild Wars 2 then. :)
Until next time!
Friday, April 1, 2011
Guild Wars Build of the Week: Critical Keiran
It's friday, so time for the next Build of the Week ! And this week's a special one, because it's for the lore loving people amongst us (like me :p). Before we go on: spoiler alert ! If you didn't unlock the new hero and want to keep it a secret for yourself, stop reading now. Without further ado, here is our next build:
Critical Keiran
Skills from 1-8:
Template code: OQKjktmMqN46qmqZXbhrwwbcMA
(Not sure how to use this? Click here!)
This is a build for the hero Keiran Thackeray. As a hero he comes primary as a Paragon, while throughout the game he is a Ranger. Because I love the lore, and didn't want to let Keiran wield spear and shield suddenly, I decided to make him a ranger again. This build came to life as soon as I noticed marksmanship skills that use critical hits, and the command skill "Go for the Eyes!".
The main idea here is that with 15 points in command, "Go for the Eyes!" gives you 100% chance to hit critical. Disrupting Accuracy is kept up at all times. Since a ranger hero doesn't really gain adrenaline fast, I gave him Anthem of Flame + Signet of Aggression. Anthem of Flame lasts 10 second and has a 10 second recharge, so he should use it all the time and use Signet of Aggression when in combat.
Keen Arrow is a basic damage skill, as well as Melandru's Shot. Savage Shot is there for pinpoint interrupt, and "We Shall Return!" is the resurrect skill.
This build can be customised easily. Melandru's Shot can be replaced with almost any marksmanship elite, as long as you keep your energy use in check. Recommended are Burning Arrow, Prepared Shot and Punishing Shot. Savage Shot can be replaced with Disrupting Shot and Distracting Shot and "We Shall Return!" can be replaced by Signet of Return, since I raised his energy to 35 to make "We Shall Return!" work. Also possible is to replace Anthem of Flame with "Fall Back!", but it's not as spammable, making it harder to use Signet of Aggression fast.
There we go! The first Build of the Week with a hero build. But nobody is stopping you from using it yourself of course. If you have a great variation of this build, or another lorewise fitting build for heroes, I'd be happy to hear from you in the comment section below. I'd also like to make clear that the comment section can be used by anyone, no registration needed or whatsoever, so nothing is holding you back to comment!
Until next time !
Critical Keiran
Skills from 1-8:
- Keen Arrow
- Melandru's Shot
- Savage Shot
- Disrupting Accuracy
- "Go for the Eyes!"
- Anthem of Flame
- Signet of Aggression
- "We Shall Return!"
Template code: OQKjktmMqN46qmqZXbhrwwbcMA
(Not sure how to use this? Click here!)
This is a build for the hero Keiran Thackeray. As a hero he comes primary as a Paragon, while throughout the game he is a Ranger. Because I love the lore, and didn't want to let Keiran wield spear and shield suddenly, I decided to make him a ranger again. This build came to life as soon as I noticed marksmanship skills that use critical hits, and the command skill "Go for the Eyes!".
The main idea here is that with 15 points in command, "Go for the Eyes!" gives you 100% chance to hit critical. Disrupting Accuracy is kept up at all times. Since a ranger hero doesn't really gain adrenaline fast, I gave him Anthem of Flame + Signet of Aggression. Anthem of Flame lasts 10 second and has a 10 second recharge, so he should use it all the time and use Signet of Aggression when in combat.
Keen Arrow is a basic damage skill, as well as Melandru's Shot. Savage Shot is there for pinpoint interrupt, and "We Shall Return!" is the resurrect skill.
This build can be customised easily. Melandru's Shot can be replaced with almost any marksmanship elite, as long as you keep your energy use in check. Recommended are Burning Arrow, Prepared Shot and Punishing Shot. Savage Shot can be replaced with Disrupting Shot and Distracting Shot and "We Shall Return!" can be replaced by Signet of Return, since I raised his energy to 35 to make "We Shall Return!" work. Also possible is to replace Anthem of Flame with "Fall Back!", but it's not as spammable, making it harder to use Signet of Aggression fast.
There we go! The first Build of the Week with a hero build. But nobody is stopping you from using it yourself of course. If you have a great variation of this build, or another lorewise fitting build for heroes, I'd be happy to hear from you in the comment section below. I'd also like to make clear that the comment section can be used by anyone, no registration needed or whatsoever, so nothing is holding you back to comment!
Until next time !
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