Wednesday, February 1, 2012

It's béta time!

Februari, which means the press béta is this month !
While I'm pretty sure I'm not going to be counted a press (but one can hope right? :p), I'm excited for a few reasons.

One being, more info on the game obviously. Don't we always want more? :p

Secondly, it's for the press. which means, this béta is practically made to be written about, be it on blogs or previews in magazines.
They probably get some nice artwork/screens in the progress to use on those articles, so goodies are incoming!

And where there are previews, reviews are lurking around the corner! The press béta is the biggest hint towards a release date so far, as far as I'm concerned. My mind is set solid on a release around may-june, and it would kinda make sense. Release close after the béta (like Guild Wars 1), and before the summer conventions. This is important, because going to summer conventions with the full product to promote is going to be much more rewarding as another demo.

As always with this kind of news about Guild Wars 2, I'm always drawn back into Guild Wars 1. Especially with Winds of Change part 3 coming soon. (it has to, if my estimated release date is anywhere close). In fact, with the Canthan New Year starting soon, it might be the perfect time for it. I can imagine it being released about a week or two after it.

So if anyone is looking for me, you can find me in Guild Wars, celebrating the Canthan New Year !

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