Thursday, June 23, 2011

A new start

It's been a while since I posted anything, so I thought to give a heads-up of what's going on behind the screens.
Since the type of articles I did earlier didn't really catch on (except build of the week), I've decided to to rethink what I should do on this blog. Build of the week is going to stay, but it might come in a less frequent form, since finding a new interesting build every week is almost a full time job.

Don't have to much for the rest, but it has crossed my mind to recruit a second blogger to blog, just to fill in the moments when I can't deliver anything blog-worthy. But for the time being, I'll be hatching some new idea, and hopefully some that are worthwhile.

Anyhow, for everyone who has shown interest in this blog so far, thanks a lot. I hope you're going to enjoy the new start!

Gevallen Engel